11 Oct
North Vancouver Apartment Stats
While houses across Vancouver have taken a massive dive, apartments have also slumped. Take a look at year to date comparisons for North Van apartments to the average numbers over the past 20 years.
11 Oct
North Vancouver Detached Home Chart
These are the year to date stats for North Vancouver against the average over the last 20 years. The columns are the amount of new listings each month, the active amount of listings at the end of the month and the amount of solds each month.
11 Oct
West Vancouver Detached Home Chart
It’s been a very interesting year. Click to see the chart linked which shows the current year to date stats against the average stats over the last 20 years. You’ll see a very big difference in the numbers.
6 Nov
I have been a realtor since the 70’s. I have experienced every market swing you can imagine. I have sold more homes, more apartments and more waterfronts in West Vancouver than any other realtor. I have achieved every goal my business has to offer, including being number one realtor in West Vancouver, Vancouver and Canada. […]